Thursday, September 20, 2007

Comment about post on Techlearning blog

Today's post on the Techlearning blog is about how important relationships develop between learning networks. The author, Steve Dembo, discusses how surprised he is by the bonds and familiarity he has formed with his network.

"These people are my friends. Yes, they're my colleagues, and my 'research team', but I've found that my relationship with these people goes far beyond just learning from each other."

This can be true of any group that assembles online. These types of interactions can be easier for some students. Students may open up more or intermingle easier if not in a face to face situation. Getting out of the normal cliques and networking with other students can be very beneficial. In addition, students could begin to collaborate with students from much further than what they normally could. This could lead not only to more scholastic learning, but also more cultural learning, and that could prove very useful in today's ever diversifying world.

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